
Showing posts from June, 2012

First Step

Be the man with a plan!  A woman loves a man that shows the initiative to take charge.  Even a woman that can be dominant still likes to see the man be a "man".  She does not want to be picked up for a date and then be asked "so what do you feel like eating?" or "know of any good restaurants?".  Know exactly where you are going to take her and know exactly what your plans will be for after the meal portion of the date.  (note: dates don't always have to consist of dinner and after dinner event.  Some of the best dates are the ones that are very creative and catch her completely off a good way.)  One thing that is an absolute must is that you pay.  You asked her out.  So no "going dutch" or "split this" or "I'll get the tickets and you get the drinks".  It is custom that the man pay.  Don't get all women's rights on a first date just because it suits your wallet.  Before you even plan the date, talk t