
Showing posts from December, 2017

Word to Wise Fellas

Image have no idea how often your actions affect women either positively or negatively.  Try to keep it on the positive side.  If you know what you are going to say or do will hurt her, then don't do it.  The words or actions may last but a moment, but the aftermath will be with her for years to come. 

No misses on those yummy kisses please

That always present elephant in the room called the anticipation of the first kiss.  It's like Christmas morning for adults.  It's going to go either one of two ways.  Really amazing, like getting that new Nintendo set and games you've been dreaming about.  Or blah, like the ugly jammy set your grandma knit you and you still have to wear it for a while to not hurt her feelings.  You have now officially lost interest, but not all interest.  I mean, there was some spark there pre-kiss right?   There is hope.  Sometimes first kisses just don't go so great.  People have different styles, different techniques, different timing.  There's all sorts of things that can lead to a bad first kiss.  But I'm here to help you with that.   The thing about the first kiss is that you want to make sure she remembers it…preferably in a good way...and not the way where she tells it to all her girlfriends when they need a good laugh (keep in mind, she will then proceed to pull up